
Friday, April 11, 2014

Circle of trust

On my last blog, we touched on the basics of awareness. Today, I would like to provide you with the most basic technique for improving your level of awareness.

The number one factor for determining whether something is a threat or not is distance. How close is a certain object, person or situation and can it affect me and my personal space? We refer to this technique as the "circle of trust".

Draw around yourself three imaginary circles, all of different sizes one bigger than the next.

The biggest circle, farthest from you, called the External or Outer Circle, should be drawn as far as you can see. Identify a situation close to the edge of that circle and determine whether it could affect you.
The middle circle, closer to you than the External Circle, may be just a few meters away and it is a situation that although close, it is not close enough to determine whether it may or may not be a threat,
Internal or Inner Circle, is the circle closest to you
-On this circle you have little or no time to make a decision and evaluate what can be your plan of action, this is where your instincts and training may be all the difference on the outcome of the situation

Let me give you a few examples to illustrate each of the three circles:
* While driving, you start seeing smoke up ahead, maybe a few kilometers down the road. Traffic is stating to build up. At that moment, while the situation is still far enough from you to allow you time to make a decision, you can decide to either take an alternate route and avoid getting stuck in traffic or worse becoming part of the situation, or you can continue to drive as planned.
* You are walking home at night and about a block up ahead you see two men standing in the corner. They are not doing anything wrong, but you get a bad feeling about walking towards them. You can continue walking towards them, just paying attention as you walk by them, you may pick up the pace, or you may cross the street and continue walking on the other side.

Be Aware

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